Tom Tom Club was a very good time, a funky, fun show. Although it was pretty crowded and they had the space around the stage roped off so I didn't get any decent pics, especially with my prime lens(no zoom). Bad photo night, it was very dark at the know theater for Phantogram.
*Please click on individual photos to view large.
Caught some of Josiah Wolf's set at the Know Theatre before Phantogram. He is an amazing musician, and from the P-Rage! Phantogram really killed it, dope beats and great song writing and vocals. Kudos to my main man Neil for turning us on to Phantogram, he was sorely missed this weekend, but I think kickin' it backstage with Dom and Ratatat more than made up for it.
Here's a quick clip from "As Far as I Can See" on Saturday night.
Thanks to Each Note Secure for the cool video, check more reviews of MPMF over there.
Caribou! From Ontario, Canada. What an awesome band, they were on fire! Although they were 55 minutes late getting started and this in turn ruined my chance at catching Royal Bangs and/or Loyal Divide, it was an amazing performance and I didn't mind. I wanted to get the limited edition vinyl for sale and then he dj'd afterward so I stuck around to talk to Josh and Judy and listen to him spin some funk and soul...this also cut out seeing Fang Island.
"Chicken Stain" flute!
Crazy zebra mask guy crowd mosh pit up front.
This is a collage made with overhead shots of the crowd.
Caribou the DJ
Grammers had it hooked up over by the dj light show and Avery IPA.
This was the 9th Mid Point Music Festival and I must say it was pretty awesome. My only regret is not getting to see more bands. Usually it's all about checking out bands I've never heard of or seen until MPMF, but this year they had some bigger names and being a monster Heads fan I couldn't pass up seeing Tom Tom Club. I also couldn't miss Caribou or Phantogram, both of which blew my mind. And for Holy F*ck, they will make you put panties on your head and run around on stage.
The first show of the night was the bratty sounding Best Coast at the Grammers tent.
Via Tania was great at the Segway room, instead of trying to write something about her sound and amazing voice, I'll just copy snippets I've read online: "from Portishead to Beth Orton" - "a cooing, shivering, meowing tendril of a voice with vocal turns that breath and purr and whisper hauntingly" - "she crafts a form of trip-hop and post-rock that is often compared to Sade".
The last band we saw on Thursday night was Holy F*ck at the Cincinnati Club, they were super intense and high energy, and a cool venue to boot, despite the low stage.
He kept pulling this tape like object up an out of some machine. I have no idea what kind of instrument that was.
So I was totally pumped to find out that The Slew, a band formed my the amazing Kid Koala, was playing for free in Chicago when we were there. The Slew is a dj rock band, and it was at the coolest outdoor venue, Pritzker Pavilion.
These images of Mars and Saturn from the Hubble are actually recent cell phone photos of pots of liquids, milky puddles leaking from garbage bags and a pan of waterlogged and warped celery sticks. Did I fool you?